ibtimes.sg – Training the Mind and Body With Alessandro Cassano

When talking about great physical prowess, most people forget to credit having a strong mind for the ability to rock a certain body type. But athletes and real fitness trainers know better. Italian life and fitness coach Alessandro Cassano said it best: “Mindset is very important because [it] allows him not only to improve himself and his personal growth, but also offers a way to exit from his own comfort zone and gives the opportunity to think in a positive way.

The Key to Holistic Health

Thankfully, the medical field has shown a growing interest in studying the effects of a mind and body connection for holistic health. In the 2006 EMBO Reports, it was noted that more and more members of the scientific community have now come to terms with the role of the mind in recovering from diseases, whether physical or mental ones.

Another study was conducted on women who were undergoing IVF and it was found that psychosocial intervention was effective in helping these women cope with the somewhat difficult treatment. While this is maybe taking things too far, these examples prove that mental health or getting the right mindset are part and parcel of holistic health.

That’s why Alessandro Cassano has dedicated his life not just to teaching his clients how to get ripped. He also guides them through life with the goal of making sure that his clients stay healthy for the rest of their lives.

Life and Fitness Coaching With Alessandro Cassano: The TRIVO Way

Of course, Cassano started his journey to becoming a life trainer by first getting his diploma as a personal trainer. His fitness journey began when he was a child in Taranto, Italy, where he earned his black belt in karate. Then he started practicing Wing Tsun by the time he moved to Parma in 2000.

In the following years, Cassano spent most of his life teaching self-defense to private students. The fitness guru then obtained his personal trainer diploma and started giving one-to-one sessions that are customized to fit his clients’ personal needs. Later on, Alessandro collected more diplomas and distinctions from the Italian Fitness Federation, including the Metabolic Training and Weight Loss certificate and the Functional Training for Women diploma.

Through his years of teaching and personal development, Cassano has formulated his very own training program called TRIVO. TRIVO stands for Training Risolutivo Intensivo verso l’Obiettivo, which directly translates to Intensive and Definitive Goal Training. With TRIVO, Cassano pushes his clients to not just determine a specific weight by the end of the program, but an actual life goal that can be achieved.

Alessandro Cassano uses neuro-linguistic programming strategies to guide his clients in finding out this goal and knowing what objectives he or she must meet in order to achieve that. This is the mental process of the program, which Cassano does at the beginning of each session. By focusing on complete mental preparation from the very start, Cassano ensures that his clients have the right motivation to follow through with their fitness plans.

While the personal trainer and life coach focuses his attention on clients based in Italy, the pandemic has opened his sights to a much wider audience reach. If you are looking to make permanent changes in your life, you may visit his website or go to any of his social media accounts on Facebook or on Instagram